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Students Talk Public Health

Undergraduate Students Answer the Question: What is Public Health?

January 30, 2014

Washing hands.  Brushing teeth.  Controlling outbreaks.  What exactly is public health?  It is a commonly asked question.

Our talented undergraduate students were recently asked to answer that very basic question in their Introduction to Public Health course, which is the first class for most public health students.

Their task was to highlight the various public health activities they do on a daily basis without even realizing it.  The students used videos, social media and more to chronicle what they did on a particular day and show how it was public health.

Well, what is public health?  It is all around us.  It is good personal hygiene, and more.  Let our undergraduate students explain.

Brittany Handler

Brittany Handler
In her first ever self-made movie, Brittany takes you through her day, including using her electric toothbrush, a hydration app and taking the stairs.


Hemanti SaravalyaBB

Hermanti Sarvalya
In a Pinterest board Hermanti shows how Christmas lights, recycling and eating right are all forms of public health.


Ruben Ganesh

Ruben Ganesh
Follow Ruben’s day on Twitter.
#Fruitfordays #summerbod #yourbreathsmells #noreally


Matt Solomon

Matt Solomon
A Prezi entitled “A Day Filled with Public Health” with nap time, homework and stress.

Katie Miller

Katie Miller
There is a Shake Shack on Drexel University’s campus.  Katie shows an important public health feature of dining out, and a different public health take on yoga.

Molly Tiedeken

Molly Tiedeken
Hanging your toothbrush instead of placing it in a brush holder is a good idea, and fashion can be public health.