Drexel Doctoral Student Authors Article on Barriers to National Control of Hepatitis B

December 23, 2013

chari cohenChari Cohen, MPH, Doctoral Candidate in the Drexel University School of Public Health's Department of Community Health and Prevention and Director of Public Health at the Hepatitis B Foundation, is the first author for an article titled “Eradication of Hepatitis B: A Nationwide Community Coalition Approach to Improving Vaccination, Screening, and Linkage to Care,” published in the Journal of Community Health

The article discusses the current barriers to national control of hepatitis B, and outlines a plan for collectively addressing these barriers to improve hepatitis B vaccination, screening, and linkage to care in the U.S.  This article also discusses the focus on educating providers and communities to reduce health disparities because in the U.S. hepatitis B disproportionately affects Americans of Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander decent.