Non-Invasive Hand-Held Brain Edema Monitoring System

(M. Izzetoglu, P. Le Roux, and B. Ben Dor)

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Abstract: The overall goal of this project is to design and develop a near infrared (NIR) based mobile imaging device to detect and continuously monitor brain edema at the site of injury and in the hospital as well. CT scan will still be the gold standard for edema detection. Hence this device is aimed to be an adjunct to CT scan for the triaging of head trauma patients at risk of edema development for CT scanning. As for the monitoring of the status of edema, the device is aimed to provide a noninvasive, safe, reliable, portable, easy to use and affordable solution for the continuous monitoring of cerebral edema as compared to ICP monitoring. The proposed system is intended to be utilized in the emergency medical transportation vehicles, emergency rooms (ER) and ICU that can be operated by paramedics, nurses and physicians alike. The first generation laboratory prototype of the sensor design, algorithm development and preliminary testing of the device has been completed through US Army TATRC grant in collaboration with the clinical partners at the DUCOM, Department of Neurosurgery. The clinical prototype brain edema monitor as the outcome of this project is aimed to be developed within 1 year.