Scott Warnock, PhD, Appointed Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education

May 24, 2021

Scott Warnock, PhD, from the Department of English and Philosophy, has been appointed to the position of Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education to provide leadership in all areas of undergraduate education in the College of Arts and Sciences while fostering initiatives to improve faculty’s teaching experience.

Warnock joined Drexel University from Penn State in 2004. He is the recipient of a PhD from Temple University (2002) and has taught both at Rutgers University and Temple.

Scott Warnock

A specialist in information technology and literacy, Warnock has authored and/or co-authored three books on writing pedagogy. These publications come on top of scores of articles and book chapters as well as numerous published position statements, opinion pieces and letters on topics ranging from accreditation-driven writing assessments to anti-racist pedagogy.

Warnock brings to the position of Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education considerable experience in online instruction and course and curriculum development as well as a robust service record at the departmental, College and University levels. From 2007 to 2011, he served as the Director of the Freshman Writing Program, overseeing the 150-section + First-Year Writing Program. In 2011, he was appointed Director of the Writing Center and Writing Across the Curriculum. He served in that role up to 2014, when he was named Director of the University Writing Program for Drexel University. Beyond these major leadership roles, he has been appointed to dozens of committees and task forces (often as Chair). He has also delivered many faculty development workshops and training sessions.

Warnock’s service to his profession is very extensive. He has served in leadership roles for numerous organizations, including as President of the Global Society of Online Literacy Educators from 2018 to 2020. He has given time as an external program reviewer for several institutions and as a member of accrediting teams (e.g., SACS) and editorial boards (e.g., WPA: Writing Program Administration, National Council of Teachers of English, WAC Clearinghouse Publication Review). He frequently reviews submissions to major presses (e.g., Oxford University Press, Routledge, McGraw Hill, Norton) and journals (e.g., Journal of Business and Technical Communication, College Composition and Communication, Pedagogy).

In sum, in his 18-year Drexel faculty career, Warnock has built, directed and launched programs to advance undergraduate education and create faculty development opportunities.