Incubation Space and Services

The Baiada Institute is the ideal space to start your business. More than just office space, we provide you with the infrastructure and support services you need to get your startup venture up and running.

Startups that incubate in the Baiada Institute have access to our state-of-the-art facility. Available resources include:

  • Work space / cabinets
  • High-speed internet / Wi-Fi
  • Electricity
  • Collaboration rooms
  • Whiteboards
  • LCD screens
  • Training / board room w/projector
  • Conference phones
  • Printer / copier / fax
  • Reception
  • Mail stop (resident companies)
  • Security
  • Janitorial services
  • Kitchen
  • Coffee, water

Incubating startups are also provided certain software platform discounts and services offerings including:

  • Hosting (AWS discounted license)
  • CorpCo: Incorporation / LLC formation
  • Hubspot for Startups
  • SendGrid Accelerate
  • Univest banking startup program

Space options and admittance process

Space is allocated as either "flex" or "resident". Flex space is provided to earlier stage entrepreneurs who are working on the early stage of their idea and are trying to determine if it's a viable enough idea to pursue it. Flex participants are afforded access to the space but are not provided with a fixed desk location. Most of the above resources are available to Flex participants. Resident space is provided to entrepreneurs that have demonstrated suitable progress or have been accepted via a competition or the Entrepreneurship co-op program.

Students are admitted into the Baiada Institute through three programs:

  • Competitions - winners of any of our competitions are offered Resident space
  • The Entrepreneurship Co-op program – students accepted into this program are offered Resident space
  • Incubator application screening process. This process allows any Drexel student to apply for incubation space (resident or flex) and services. The process is as follows:
    • Idea Assessment Questionnaire – this form must be completed and is available in StartupTree under "Events/Applications"
    • Mentoring meeting(s) – you must have met at least once with a Baiada Institute entrepreneur-in-residence or other approved mentor. They will review your Idea Assessment Questionnaire and recommend important actions for you to take regarding your startup idea
    • StartupTree profile – the startup must be listed in StartupTree and all critical team members must have profiles
    • Incubator Application – this form is available in StartupTree under "Events/Applications". Please note that you must first complete an Idea Assessment Questionnaire and have met with a mentor prior to applying for incubation space/services.
    • Entrepreneurship course pre-requisites
      • Students are required to take ENTP105 and ENTP440 prior to or in conjunction with receiving incubation space. This can be waived under certain circumstances including external education or other credentials as determined by the Baiada Institute.
      • Undergraduate students are highly recommended to either minor in entrepreneurship or take the Certificate in Entrepreneurship. Students who take these courses will be better prepared for the efforts ahead.
      • Graduate students are highly recommended to minor in entrepreneurship.
    • Baiada Institute Selection Committee – held quarterly, students who apply for incubation space will be interviewed by this committee. The committee makes final decisions on acceptance into the incubator or will provide recommended actions for you take to be considered for acceptance later.

If accepted into the incubator, all participants must sign a lease agreement, honor our code of conduct, receive mandatory onboarding training, participate in our inbound assessment and exit surveys, provide regular progress reports and participate as part of our startup community.

Want to incubate your venture in the Baiada Institute? Let us know.