Drexel and The Precisionists, Inc. Launch Neurodiversity Employment Partnership

Nov 17, 2022

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The Precisionists, Inc. (TPI), a Wilmington, Delaware-based organization focused on employment for adults with disabilities recently announced the launch of a neurodiversity employment program that will provide business support services for Drexel University. The program leverages the talents of a team of neurodiverse adults from TPI’s workforce to address critical needs for the University. 

“When properly assessed and trained, people with autism and other neurodiversities are extremely high-performing employees. TPI’s employees bring innovative approaches to tackling critical and challenging jobs such as business administrative and IT functions," said Ernie Dianastasis, CEO of The Precisionists. "When you consider that more than 80% of autistic adults in the U.S. are either unemployed or underemployed, we are making a true difference in engaging a significant, untapped labor force. We are thrilled to partner with Drexel University, a world-renowned leader in higher education and an institution committed to advancing innovation in diversity, equity and inclusion.”

Individuals taking part in this innovative employment program are identified, assessed, trained and employed by The Precisionists. TPI’s workforce performs data support services for several departments at Drexel including Human Resources, Human Resources/Benefits & Compliance, Admissions and Finance. While supporting Drexel’s business functions, TPI consultants receive ongoing direction, training, and support from their TPI project leader.

“TPI has been an outstanding partner,” said Megan Weyler, senior vice president and Chief Human Resources Officer at Drexel University. “Multiple areas across the University were in need of assistance with data collection, analysis and scanning for electronic records. The Precisionists’ support and quality performance are enhancing the efficiency for each of these areas. Drexel’s partnership with The Precisionists also supports the University’s commitment to cultivate an inclusive culture and support employment opportunities for neurodiverse individuals.”

“Since leveraging its outstanding autism research to empower people with autism to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives through the establishment of the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute in 2012, Drexel has resolved to help the public become more knowledgeable about people with autism and more appreciative of their gifts,” said John Fry, president of Drexel University. “As we create more pathways to employment for our neurodiverse students, we are thrilled to be working with The Precisionists and their innovative hiring model for neurodiverse adults.” 

Candidates interested in exploring employment opportunities as a part of this program should contact The Precisionists’ talent acquisition team by emailing inquiries to careers@theprecisionists.com.

The Precisionists, Inc. (TPI), a Benefits Corporation, is a national company focused on providing industry best practices for delivering administrative and technology services by building teams, which include individuals with neurodiversities. This approach enables The Precisionists to meet each customer’s specific needs and to deliver projects with the highest degree of productivity. The Precisionists is dedicated to creating jobs for individuals with diverse abilities in all the markets it serves. The Precisionists, Inc. is headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware. Learn more at www.theprecisionists.com.