A First 5K to Fund Autism Research

Source: Pexels

April 18, 2018

Jennifer Plumb, DSW is getting more excited about the Eagles Autism Challenge as race day rapidly approaches. Plumb is Director of the Outreach Core at the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, one of three beneficiaries of the Eagle’s inaugural race and bike event on May 19th to support autism research in Philadelphia. She’s invested on a personal level too – the challenge will be her first 5K ever. She’s never participated in an event like this before. “The Eagles Autism Challenge is such an important event, though, why not start there?” Plumb says.

Plumb has been preparing for race day with intense cardio workouts, including Zumba and a dance class three times a week. The classes have helped her prepare for the race physically, and also emotionally. She’s also followed the Eagles’ “Tip Tuesday” videos on how to prepare for the race from the professionals who advise their players.

She’s excited about race day, but finds that it is creeping up quickly. Her apprehension gives way in the face of being part of something that’s bigger than race day. “It’s more about bringing together three research programs and making Philadelphia a true hub of autism research,” Plumb says."I'm excited to be able to do something like this with my colleagues at the Autism Institute as well as at Drexel University.” She’s looking forward to the first year of many to come.

Plumb says no matter how race day goes, she will walk away with a personal sense of victory: “We are doing something that will impact the lives of thousands.”

To participate in or support the Eagles Autism Challenge, visit www.eaglesautismchallenge.org.

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Bushraa Khatib