Clinical Core

Clinical Core Director: Elisabeth Sheridan, Ph.D, Associate Professor

Ashley Dubin, Ph.D, BCBA., Licensed Psychologist

The Clinical Core provides the capacity to conduct psycho-social, behavioral and neuro-psychological assessments in support of the Autism Institute’s mission. Located in a clinic on Drexel's campus in University City, the Clinical Core houses a team of licensed psychologists and certified school psychologists and behavior analysts, with access to other related mental and behavioral health-care workers.

Clinical Consultation

The Clinical Core works with schools and community agencies to build their capacity to provide evidence-based supports to the individuals they serve, including those on the autism spectrum. AJDAI Clinical Core staff have expertise in a range of topics, including but not limited to autism, evidence-based interventions, school consultation, and inclusion-based approaches. Trainings on specific topics or several related content areas can be provided via workshops of varying length, coaching, or a combination of these formats. 

Our training team customizes programs to best meet the specific needs of individual agencies in terms of the staff involved, population served, and the agency’s goals and objectives for training. Workshops typically include didactic presentations as well as small and large group activities and discussions. Trainees may also have an opportunity to make usable resources, role play, and develop action plans for ways that they will implement the training content in their settings. Workshops are tailored for those with beginning through advanced levels of knowledge and experience. Topics include:

Trainings & Professional Development Offerings

Introduction to Autism

Understanding Interfering Behavior and Functional Behavioral Assessments

Choosing an Intervention 

Implementing & Monitoring Progress of an Effective Behavior Support Plan 

Functional Communication Training (FCT)

Performance Based Staff Training

Setting up the Classroom for success

Data Collection