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Teacher standing in front of a class of students gesturing towards the blackboard.

Inspiring and Promoting Excellence in Teaching

The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) provides resources, workshops and one-on-one pedagogical support to Drexel University’s faculty and teaching assistants. We work with instructors across every school, college, and campus at Drexel.

Since our launch in 2019 over


of all faculty participated
in our workshops.

More than


of participants have
attended multiple workshops.

Our resources were accessed


times by Drexel faculty,
graduate students and staff.


For many of us, the summer brings a slowing down of scheduled professional duties. This means we might finally find a moment to reflect on our teaching practice or even pick up a pedagogy book or two. Or, if you’re looking to take a break from readi…

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Evolutionarily speaking, we are built to enjoy learning. Neuroscientists (and those of us who spend time with young children) know this to be true—but institutionalized education tends to dim the joy of learning or even squelch it altogether. How do…

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