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Register for our High School Workshops

October 03, 2013

Fall WorkshopsTalented high school juniors and seniors are invited to learn what it’s like to be a Westphal student and discover how a Drexel education can help them reach their artistic and career goals at our 2013 Fall Workshops series. These free, full-day, hands-on workshops place high school students in our studios and classrooms, working on projects and experiencing college-level instruction with our faculty. 

All workshops are held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the URBN Center (3501 Market St., Philadelphia). Three Fall Workshops will take place on Oct. 11 for students interested in Graphic Design, Fashion Design and Screenwriting & Playwriting. The workshops held on Oct. 18 are for potential Dance, Design & Merchandising and Interactive Digital Media students and the third and last set of workshops will be Nov. 15, for prospective students in Interior Design, Product Design and TV Production & Media Management. Lunch and an attendance note for the participant’s high school attendance office will be provided. Click here to register for the workshops. 

Registrants will receive a confirmation letter and more detailed information about the workshop including the days’ agenda, information on where to arrive, and what supplies to bring, if any, prior to the date of the workshop. Registration is limited! If you have questions about the workshops please contact us at or 215.895.1834.