Housing and Residence Life at Drexel

Yes, college is about getting an education. It is vital to go to class, do your homework, read your textbooks, and communicate well with your faculty members. College is also about developing yourself professionally. It is important to get a co-op or a research opportunity, network with professionals in your desired field, and build a strong résumé to garner success after graduation. However, the college experience is about more than just the degree you walk out with and the job you walk into; it is about the life experiences and personal growth you have along the way. So much of that personal development you experience comes from the environment where you live, socialize, study, and grow. Living on a University campus gives students the opportunity to experience college with friends and strangers alike. This shared experience is one that will serve as a standard in many of your memories of your college days for the rest of your life.

While Drexel's campus in University City and extended campus in Philadelphia provide our students with an amazing balance of a traditional college experience and city life, your residence hall is your safe haven and home to learn and develop lasting relationships.

As a student at Drexel, I lived in three different residence halls or apartment buildings on campus: Towers Hall, Caneris Hall, and University Crossings. Additionally, I spent over three years as a resident assistant, where I had the chance to support and guide residential students. Basically, I am a huge fan of living on a college campus, especially Drexel's. There is immeasurable value in the relationships built with your fellow students through the shared experience of living together while going through college, and so much of the on-campus living experience amplifies that value.

For first-year students, Drexel has a wide array of housing options, including traditional first-year residence halls, hybrid residence halls, and suite-style apartment residence halls. Drexel also offers a variety of Living Learning Communities (LLCs) and Gender-Inclusive Housing (GIH) options for students. Everyone knows that the transition to college can be difficult; coupled with the transition to living in the middle of the 6th largest city in the U.S., it is so important to find your home away from home on our campus. Drexel's housing options are situated to provide you with your own comfortable, safe living space partnered with a variety of shared spaces throughout the residence halls. From the games room in Towers, to the gym in Race, the multipurpose room in Myers, or the sky lounge in Millennium — there are options for all different types of students, learners, and residents.

While Drexel's campus in University City and extended campus in Philadelphia provide our students with an amazing balance of a traditional college experience and city life, your residence hall is your safe haven and home to learn and develop lasting relationships. To learn more about residence life at Drexel, please reference the Housing and Residence Life website.