Registering Radiation Workers

If you are using radioactive materials or radiation producing machines, please complete the Radiation Worker Registration Form [PDF] and submit it to the Radiation Safety Office at The Radiation Safety Office will use this to determine training and personal radiation monitoring requirements, if any.

The institution is legally obligated to provide radiation monitors to individuals that are likely to exceed 10 percent of the occupational radiation exposure limits. The following table provides doses at which radiation monitoring is obligatory.

Annual Dose Limit (mrem) Monitoring Required (mrem)
Adult Whole Body 5,000 500
Extremity 50,000 5,000
Fetus (per gestation) 500 100
Minor Whole Body 500 100
Drexel University chooses to provide radiation monitoring at levels lower than required. The rule of thumb used is to monitor individuals that may receive measurable radiation doses. The following table provides guidance for radiation monitoring.
Exposure Source Conditions / Monitoring
Low to moderate energy beta emitters: e.g., 3H, 14C, 35S, 33P , 45Ca, 63Ni Radiation too weak to be measured. No monitoring provided

High energy beta emitters: e.g., 32P, 90Sr/90Y, 86Rb

Manipulation of >1 mCi at any time. Extremity (finger/hand) monitoring
Unshielded photon emitters Manipulation of >0.1 mCi at any time. Whole body / extremity monitoring
Open beam x-ray machines Any operation of equipment unless behind shielded area. Extremity monitoring
Enclosed beam x-ray machines Shielding provided by enclosure. No monitoring provided
Devices containing radioactivity Determined on a case by case basis.