‘Tis the Season to Be Safe: Tips for Preventing Fires, Theft and Other Crimes
Happy holidays, Dragons! Drexel Public Safety (DPS) is thankful for the year we’ve had getting to know you and keeping our community secure. We hope this holiday season is jolly, peaceful and safe for all. Keep in mind that “grinches” are always out there ready to put a damper on festivities. Encourage your family and friends to safeguard their homes against crime and to follow smart shopping safety tips.
Also in this edition: Get to know two of our newest police officers and read the messages they’ve shared with the Drexel community. If you’re remaining on campus over the winter break, please be assured that DPS will be here offering the same services we do throughout the year. We look forward to seeing you in 2025 and are ready to hear about your New Year resolutions when you return!

Tips for Safeguarding Your Home and Property This Winter
Protect Your Home From Fires and Break-ins
Having a safe and hazard-free home is crucial to having a safe and happy holiday. The U.S. Fire Administration shares these holiday safety tips on fire prevention, home security and more:
- Inspect your holiday light decorations thoroughly each time before using them. Throw away light strands with frayed or pinched wires.
- Turn off all your holiday lights before going to bed or leaving your home.
- Keep your decorations away from any type of heat source to avoid fires.
- Get your chimney checked every year to prevent fires.
- Having a dry tree is a fire hazard, so make sure you are watering your tree every day.
- If you are leaving town for a couple days, make sure you tell your neighbors your plans, so they know to report anything suspicious to you or the police.
- Always triple check that everything around your house is locked before leaving home.
Shop Smart — in Person and Virtually
We are in prime holiday shopping season, and we know our Dragons have a lot of items they need to check off their lists! Here are a few ways to remain safe while shopping, whether that be online or in person. When shopping online, always ensure the legitimacy of the site if it isn’t well known. Never provide your Social Security number to any seller. As a reminder, check out “Tips for Safely Receiving Your Packages” featured in last month’s Public Safety & U.
If you are going out shopping, safeguard your belongings and make sure you have your belongings before leaving each store you enter and leave. Try to park close to store entrances, if possible, and in a well-lit area. Vehicle burglaries can happen any time, so we encourage you to follow these tips for preventing vehicle thefts and break-ins this holiday season. Finally, be sure to monitor your bank statements and credit cards for any charges that were unauthorized.

Get to Know Us
Officer Jerry Christian says what he enjoys most about his job is that every day is different. From meeting different people, handling different calls, and even down to the time he leaves, it's always exciting and a new experience to learn from. After working eight years as a corrections officer, being outside and working as a patrol officer is an entirely different experience, and he says every day is an enjoyable one with DUPD. In his short time so far, Officer Christian’s favorite places to eat on campus are Chipotle and the Happy Sunshine food truck on the corner of 33rd and Arch streets. If you’re looking for the best coffee from campus truck vendors, he recommends Pete’s, also on Arch Street, right outside of Bentley Hall. Although currently residing in New Jersey, he considers the Drexel area his home, as he was born and raised in the West Philadelphia area. Officer Christian wanted to share with the Drexel community: “I'd like to continue to do my best in serving the community; if you ever come across me during the day, feel free to ask me anything. Community policing helps build trust within the community, and I'm here for it.”
Officer Zy’Mir Blythe says the best part of his job is showing up to situations in which someone is in dire need of help and seeing them at ease knowing that he and his fellow officers are there to do whatever they can to change the trajectory of their day. He recalls feeling grateful and honored when a stranger who was being harassed thanked him for doing his job and told him that his mother should be proud of him. A few fun facts about Officer Blythe: He loves going to church, listening to music, spending time with his family, eating and traveling. He is also a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. The message he wants to share with the University community is: “Officer Blythe is one call away! Stay encouraged and be blessed!”
Community Commitments
Learn How to Be SAFE With Public Safety’s Hands-On Classes
Public Safety’s self-protection program, Self-Awareness for Everyone (SAFE), is open to any student, faculty or professional staff member looking to develop skills for fostering their personal safety. Due to the hands-on nature of the class, it is strongly recommended that you register with a fellow Dragon. Participation in the techniques is recommended, but not required. Registration is required 72 hours prior to the class. You can register via Eventbrite for these classes, which are also available by request for your group. Watch a class in action in this video feature created by Drexel students.
Additional DPS Educational Programs
You can request any of the following presentations and trainings by completing the Request a Presentation Form.
- Your Safety Is Our Goal: This virtual workshop is a great way to learn how to stay aware of your surroundings and always be prepared, not scared, when moving through the city.
- Fire & Emergency Services, Emergency Preparedness: Offered by request, these tailored, data-driven awareness and training programs address how to prevent and respond to fires, medical emergencies, elevator entrapments, power outages, gas leaks, and other emergencies.
- Public Safety & U Workplace Safety Program: This educational program can be customized to address the unique security challenges of your unit.
Follow Drexel Public Safety on Instagram for safety tips, department events, plus our new feature: FAQ Friday. Get answers to frequently asked questions about the public safety department!
We Are Here for You When You Need Us
Please call 215.895.2222 immediately if you experience or witness a crime. Drexel’s Public Safety Communications Center is staffed 24/7 to serve you, whether or not you choose to remain anonymous when making a report. It is vital that crimes are reported promptly to Drexel Police so that they can be investigated, and so that Public Safety can connect the victim(s) with proper resources. You can also contact DPS through the Drexel Guardian app. Drexel Guardian will not track you nor share your information unless you initiate an emergency. To download the app, search for “Rave Guardian” in the app store or Google Play store.
Emergency Numbers
215.895.2222 or 911
TTY: 215.571.4141
Walking Escorts
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