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Community Health & Inclusive Excellence For Faculty

Drexel University College of Medicine employs over 700 faculty members. Through varied career and life experiences, each member of our faculty brings a unique perspective to the world of medicine that enriches the scholarly work of students and their colleagues.

The College of Medicine provides a culture of inclusion that celebrates and embraces the diversity of our people. We encourage faculty members to take advantage of Drexel University's many support groups including:

  • LGBTQA+ Faculty & Professional Staff Network
  • Black Employees at Drexel (BEAD)
  • Bienvenidos
  • Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM)
  • Veterans
  • Women's Finance

It's our hope that by sharing their experiences, our faculty will serve as role models and mentors to students with similar backgrounds. We've found that supportive relationships between faculty and students can strengthen cultural identity and enhances collaboration with other physicians and researchers from different backgrounds.

For additional professional development and administrative support, visit the Office of Faculty.

Faculty Stories

Bradford Jameson, PhD

On Allyship: A Conversation with Dr. Bradford Jameson

In the blog post below, Dr. Ronan speaks with Bradford Jameson, PhD, a professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and co-director of the Interdepartmental Medical Science (IMS) program. He is the course director for Molecules to Organs and the thread director for Biochemistry for first-year medical students. Dr. Jameson is also the course director for Medical Biochemistry for the post-baccalaureate program. Read more.

Rita Guevara, MD: Pediatrics

Meet Rita Guevara, MD, Pediatric Faculty and DPMS Alum

"I've been a part of the faculty since 2016, but only recently became the Assistant Dean, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in August 2020. As a College of Medicine alum, I have always enjoyed the collegial environment and sense of community at Drexel, and feel fortunate to now be able to give back as a faculty member and support current students." Read more.

Dan Taylor, DO

Begin with the Children

Pediatrician Dan Taylor was invited to be a panelist for "Telling Your Health Story," an event sponsored by the Philadelphia Inquirer for physicians, social workers and health advocates interested in medical writing and writing for change. Taylor joined panelists who shared their knowledge and experiences with writing health stories, so potential authors in the audience could learn about different ways writers approach their work. He shared his experiences in the Winter 2019/2020 issue of Pulse. Read more.

Leon McCrea II, MD, MPH

Recruit, Retain, Release - Opportunities and Support for Minorities in Med School

Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Leon McCrea spoke about his responsibility to create opportunities for those underrepresented in medicine by focusing on the three Rs: recruitment, retention and release. He discussed the importance of these steps in the Summer 2019 issue of Pulse. Read more.

Diversity Programs for Faculty


The Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine® (ELAM®) program is a year-long part-time fellowship for women faculty in schools of medicine, dentistry, public health and pharmacy. ELAM's program develops the professional and personal skills required to lead in today's complex health care environment, with special attention to the unique challenges facing women. More than 1,000 ELAM alumnae hold leadership positions in institutions around the world.

Learn more about ELAM.

LGBT Safe Zone Training

Safe Zone Workshops are opportunities on college campuses for students, staff, faculty, and community members to learn a little more about how sexuality and gender influence our everyday experiences, and often a chance to learn about these topics from individuals within the university community.

Learn more at

Faculty Groups


Through membership in Bienvenidos, Latino, Latin American, and other employees sharing our interests, will have the opportunity to connect, share experiences and expertise, and promote cultural awareness and professional development. We will carry out our mission through various programs and events, contributing significantly to Drexel University's diversity efforts.

Learn more about Bienvenidos.

Black Employees at Drexel (BEAD)

Serves as a united voice to represent the needs of the black community at Drexel University, cultivates an open atmosphere of collaboration, dialogue, and engagement within Drexel University's black community, and encourage professional achievement, scholarship, and research opportunities among Black faculty, professional staff and students.

Learn more about Black Employees at Drexel (BEAD).

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer and Allies + [LGBTQA+] Faculty & Professional Staff Network

The Drexel University Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer and Allies+ Faculty & Professional Staff Network is a visible association of employees who work together to promote the interests of our diverse community. We foster a campus climate that is welcoming, inclusive and safe for all at the University. We recognize the broad range of issues and concerns related to sex, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity and expression. We accomplish this mission through social events, educational initiatives and civic engagement.

Learn more about the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer and Allies + [LGBTQA+] Faculty & Professional Staff Network.


The Veterans Colleague Resource Group is comprised of Drexel employees who have served in the armed forces, family members, and any interested person that supports the mission of this group. The members of the CRG will identity challenges and opportunities of the veteran employee to gain self-awareness to increase skill and experience within the University to grow in career development, and to facilitate the mission of Drexel University.

Learn more about Veterans.

Women in Medicine and Science Committee (WIMSC)

The mission of the Women in Medicine and Science Committee (WIMSC) is to support and promote the professional development, career advancement and leadership of women in medicine and science at Drexel University College of Medicine. The WIMSC supports the mission by providing resources in professional career development and leadership skills to all faculty and trainees in medical and scientific disciplines through seminars, networking events and related informative links on this website. The WIMSC is led by a multidisciplinary group of faculty with expertise and interest in faculty development, clinical medicine and research with the goal of aiding in the success of other faculty and trainees at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Learn more about Women in Medicine and Science Committee.

Women's Finance

The mission of the Women's Finance CRG is to provide a safe space for women to share their financial knowledge, research topics of interest, set financial goals, and become financially independent and well informed. The Finance Group assists women, especially women with a limited income, to take charge of their money. Women face challenges as they move through life's transitions, from childhood to adult, from college to career, from single to married, to widowhood or divorce, and into retirement. Women are concerned about the financial well-being of their families as well as themselves. Being knowledgeable about finances helps empower women to become financially independent and savvy, ultimately leading to financial success.

Learn more about Women's Finance.

Fellowship Opportunities for Faculty

The WMC/MCP Phyllis Marciano, MD, WMC '60, Woman in Medicine Award

Dr. Marciano was a noted pediatrician, ardent proponent of women in medicine, and a former Trust Fund trustee. At the time of her death in 2003, she was to have been that year's recipient of the Woman in Medicine Award. The award was presented posthumously and named in her memory. It is given annually to a female physician, scientist, or staff member, preferably at the College of Medicine, to recognize her leadership, teaching of students, care of patients and status as a role model for women in medicine.

Learn more about the scholarship.

The Mary DeWitt Pettit, MD, Fellowship

The Mary DeWitt Pettit, MD, Fellowship is awarded to a young female faculty member to aid in advancing her career. Established in 1978, the Mary DeWitt Pettit Fellowship honors Dr. Pettit, a former chairperson of the department of obstetrics and gynecology, by funding research or other special projects which enable the recipient to acquire the credentials to advance in academic rank.

Learn more about the scholarship.

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