Office of the University Registrar
In addition, the office maintains registration services and works closely with the Office of the Provost, the Graduate College, academic colleges and faculty and administrative staff on academic probation, academic records management and maintenance, course scheduling, monitoring time to degree, official degree clearance, room scheduling, exam scheduling, grading, faculty grade submission, and overall course catalog and curriculum management and maintenance. The University Registrar serves as the University's FERPA Official. The Office of the University Registrar is located in the University Crossings building at 3175 JFK Blvd, Suite 100. There are two divisions within each office, Academic Services and Academic Records.
Our Mission
Our mission is to support the academic goals of the University. The Office of the University Registrar develops and maintains accurate and timely processes that directly affect our students and faculty. We provide ongoing process enhancement while adhering and enforcing Drexel University's academic policies. We uphold the integrity of the institution by maintaining the accuracy of every student's academic record with the assurance that they receive exemplary customer service, while working within the framework of FERPA.

PhD, Assistant Vice President and University Registrar
Contact Us
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104