The PhD in Computer Science program is designed to prepare students for leadership careers in research and education in computer science and interdisciplinary work using computer science.
PhD in Computer Science Program Features
The program has seventeen tenure-track faculty participating in seven research groups in the following areas: artificial intelligence, computer graphics, computer science education, computer vision, human-computer interaction, information assurance and security, networks, scientific computing, and software engineering. Each group involves undergraduate and graduate students in its research efforts. The College endeavors to provide a working environment fostering excellence in research, with a particular view towards expertise in problem areas requiring a multi-disciplinary approach including computer science. Research opportunities for computer science students also exist in some of the multi-departmental research areas that include computer science faculty such as bioinformatics, electrical power engineering, Web-based mathematics education, and computer-aided engineering and manufacturing design.
The College’s research labs are fully equipped with computers and special-purpose instrumentation. The research support infrastructure includes a system administration staff and high-speed access to Internet and Internet2.
PhD in Computer Science Course Requirements & Descriptions
Please visit Drexel's Graduate Catalog for course requirements and course descriptions. To find out when courses are offered, please visit Drexel's Term Master Schedule.
Doctoral Dissertations
View published doctoral dissertations for Computer Science on Drexel Libraries.
Admissions Criteria
Please click here for admissions deadlines and requirements for the PhD in Computer Science program.
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