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Talent Development

Drexel Talent DevelopmentOur Mission

The Drexel Talent Development team is committed to the idea that Drexel is stronger when faculty and staff are empowered to learn and grow. We support the development of faculty and professional staff for their current and future roles by offering engaging, relevant and authentic learning opportunities through a lens of inclusion and belonging. We strive to create connections between individuals and ideas, ensure accessible learning experiences and build leadership at every level of the organization.

Our Philosophy

"Leadership at Every Level" is based on the premise that everyone can be a leader, regardless of their formal title, and it provides a framework for building leadership at Drexel, at the individual, team and organizational levels.

Through multi-media learning experiences, all leadership development offerings are engaging, accessible, challenging, relevant and inclusive, reflecting our shared values, inspiring inclusive practices and encouraging wellbeing for self and others.

Even as Drexel embodies excellence in education for our students, Leadership at Every Level strives to embody excellence in professional development for Drexel faculty and professional staff.

Leadership at Every Level Programs

Follow the links below to learn more about each Leadership at Every Level program:

  • Young Dragon Professional Certificates: Tailored to those who are newer to a professional workplace.
  • Dragon Path Certificates: Focuses on a variety of topics to help in identifying and taking the next steps on your career path.
  • Dragon Well-being and Belonging Certificates: Offers multiple ways of viewing wellbeing and belonging, and courses that can contribute to both.
  • Students First Certificates: Provides curated courses focused on areas in which Drexel employees can serve and lead students by modeling Drexel’s values.
  • Administrative Professionals Certificates: Offers courses to support administrative professionals in developing a wide range of essential skills and strategies.
  • The Road to Management Certificates: Offers ideas, perspectives and guidance to help newer managers navigate their management development journeys.
  • Management Essentials Certificates: Provides focused, topical ideas and guidance to get newer and aspiring managers started on their management journey.
  • Drexel Leaders: The Art of Management: Offers a variety of online and virtual core and elective courses focused on management development.
  • Dragon Leadership Certificates: Offers courses focused on a variety of leadership topics, with new ideas, variable perspectives and actionable guidance for leaders to experiment with.
  • Drexel Leaders: Advancing Dragon Leadership Program: Designed to help more seasoned leaders expand their capabilities and collaborate with peers to identify and navigate professional obstacles and relationships. Application into the program is required.

Additional Offerings

The Talent Development offers learning opportunities in several ways:

  • Live, virtual workshops via Zoom – explore the Career Pathway events calendar
  • A robust online course library for self-paced learning (Drexel log-in credentials required)
  • In partnership with the HR Business Partners, workshops and retreats for departments and divisions