Undergraduate Application Instructions
Application Process Overview
Steps To Applying
Before beginning your application to Drexel, please review our admission prerequisites and application deadlines.
If you are a returning student who has previously enrolled in undergraduate coursework at Drexel, please refer to the readmission instructions for requirements. Part-time and non-matriculated students should refer to the part-time application instructions.
Be sure to submit all required materials before your application deadline.
We accept the following applications:
First-Year Applicants
Drexel accepts both of the applications listed below for first-year students. Please submit either application. Students may only have one active application on file at a time.
Coalition Application, Powered by Scoir
Full-Time Transfer Applicants
Drexel accepts both of the applications listed below for transfer students who wish to apply for full-time programs. Students may only have one active application on file at a time.
Drexel University's Admission Application
Nursing Accelerated Career Entry
Note: To be considered for our accelerated BSN program, you must already have a bachelor's degree. To apply for this program, select "Accelerated Career Entry Nursing" as your application. You should not use the Common Application, but instead use the link below. If you do not already have a bachelor's degree or are seeking our traditional BSN program, select "Undergraduate Transfer Full-Time" as your application.
Drexel University's Admission Application
Part-Time Applicants
Part-time and non-matriculated students can apply using the following application.
Refer to the application instructions for specific requirements.
We strongly recommend that all official transcripts and supporting documentation are submitted electronically to enroll@drexel.edu. If your school is not able to send official transcripts electronically, please request that official documents be sent by mail or courier service. Drexel Admissions will process application documents received through the U.S. Postal Service and courier services (DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc.), although there is a slight delay in processing these documents. Please allow three–four weeks for transcripts and supporting documents sent by mail or courier to be processed. Documents submitted by the applicant via email are not considered official, and therefore cannot be accepted.
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104