Intern Queen Lauren Berger Comes to Drexel

Intern Queen Lauren Berger

Most Drexel students would agree that three, six-month co-ops in five years is a lot of work experience. But Lauren Berger’s 15 internships in four years of college, gives Drexel students a run for their money.

“My presentation at Drexel next week will be upbeat and packed with tons of internship information and stories about my internships in college. I had internships at NBC, FOX, MTV and several others. No matter what your major—come out and I promise you will leave inspired and ready to make the most out of every situation. I will talk about tips and tricks for both internships and entry-level jobs,” says Berger.

Berger’s internships during her career at the University of Central Florida earned her the title of Intern Queen—a title that she’s turned into a successful business connecting students from all over the country with over 1,000 internship employers.

The Campus Activities Board is bringing Berger to campus on May 22 to share her story with students. The free event is happening at 7 p.m. in the Sky View Lounge of MacAlister Hall. Berger not only assists students in finding internships via her site, but also coaches students on how to make the most of those experiences (and leverage them to find full time jobs). If you’re looking for a co-op, a summer internship or advice on how to kick-start any job experience, it’s worth adding this event to your calendar.

At the event, Lauren’s book All Work, No Pay: Finding an Internship, Building Your Resume, Making Connections, and Gaining Job Experience will be available. It includes career tips for college grads and strategies to finding independent co-op jobs or internships.

Find the event here and add it to your calendar.

--Stephanie Takach