B.S./M.S. Student Amanda Toth Receives 2012 Marilyn A. Burshtin Memorial Award

B.S./M.S. Student Amanda TothB.S./M.S. Student Amanda Toth

B.S./M.S. student Amanda Toth (advisor:  Caroline Schauer) is a recipient of the 2012 Marilyn A. Burshtin Memorial Award, awarded by Student Affairs and the Undergraduate Student Government Association.

The award, presented at the Drexel University Student Life Awards ceremony on Thursday, May 17, 2012, includes a scholarship up to $5,000. Amanda is the third student in the department to receive the award in recent years.  Previous award recipients include Amanda Pentecost (2011) and Prineha Narang (2009), both advised by Professor Yury Gogotsi. This award is presented to a woman in the College of Engineering or the College of Arts and Sciences who has participated extensively in student activities and has a minimum GPA of 3.0.

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