
  • Former Philadelphia Deputy Mayor Alan Greenberger Joins Drexel as Distinguished Professor and Fellow

    February 10, 2016

    A visionary leader in Philadelphia&rsquo;s urban evolution, former Philadelphia Deputy Mayor <strong>Alan Greenberger</strong> will join Drexel University as a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Architecture &amp; Interiors of the </span><a href="http://www.drexel.edu/westphal">Westphal College of Media Arts &amp; Design</a><span> and a Distinguished Visiting Fellow in the </span><a href="http://drexel.edu/lindyinstitute/">Lindy Institute for Urban Innovation</a><span>, a cross-university strategic initiative that aligns Drexel&rsquo;s academic work with the real-world need for urban revitalization.

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