STEAM Education Workshop

STEAM education workshop banner

Monday, February 15, 2021 (Presidents' Day): 9am-noon
Free event, with required registration (we are close to capacity, so register soon!)

Our 2021 STEAM Education Workshop features a keynote by renowned author and education researcher, Dr. Bettina Love (University of Georgia), co-founder of the Abolitionist Teaching Network. Dr. Love’s talk will address those in Pre-K-12 as well as higher education. The program also includes brief presentations and a panel discussion with Drexel faculty. Participation is free and ACT 48 credits are available for Pennsylvania teachers.

Twitter hashtag: #STEAMShop2021


Click on the name of the presenter to read their bio.

Program Description

Introduction and Welcoming Remarks

  • Prof. Youngmoo Kim, Director, ExCITe Center

Spotlight Presentations:

Black Girls Virtually STEAMing Through Dance:

Prof. Ayana Allen-Handy, Drexel University

Prof. Raja Schaar, IDSA, Drexel University 

Prof. Michelle L. Rogers, Drexel University

Prof. Valerie Ifill, Drexel University 

Moe Woodard, Drexel University 

Kalila Dozier, Drexel University

Destiny Bugg, Drexel University

Alicia Lipsey, Drexel University


Ashley Pollard, Office of Innovation and Technology at the City of Philadelphia


Prof. Kareem Edouard, Drexel University 

10:15AM  Coffee Break

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Bettina Love

We Gon’ Be Alright, But That Ain’t Alright: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom

Dr. Love’s talk will discuss the struggles and the possibilities of committing ourselves to an abolitionist goal of educational freedom, as opposed to reform, and moving beyond what she calls the educational survival complex. Abolitionist Teaching is built on the creativity, imagination, boldness, ingenuity, and rebellious spirit and methods of abolitionists to demand and fight for an educational system where all students are thriving, not simply surviving.The program also includes brief presentations and a panel discussion with Drexel faculty. Participation is free and ACT 48 credits are available for Pennsylvania teachers.

Faculty Panel & Discussion 

With Dr. Love and Drexel Professors Ayana Allen-Handy, Valerie Ifill, Michelle Rogers, Raja Schaar, and Christopher Wright. Moderated by Professor Kareem Edouard.
Wrap up


Dr. Love’s talk is brought to you through the generous support of the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, the Academy of Natural Sciences, the Center for Black Culture, the College of Arts & Sciences, the College of Engineering, the Office of Research & Innovation, the Office of University & Community Partnerships, the School of Education, West Philadelphia Action for Early Learning, and the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design.