Dr. Steven Weber on GDPR Privacy Laws

Remember all of those privacy terms update e-mails you received recently? Dr. Steven Weber, Professor and Department Head of Drexel University's Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Director of the Isaac L. Auerbach Cybersecurity Institute, participated in a panel on the European privacy law at the center of those updates, the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. The panel discussed how companies and public institutions can navigate these recent changes to data privacy and security regulations, and what impact these changes will have on cybersecurity and more facets of technology and business.

The panel was co-hosted by Drexel University, the Philadelphia law firm Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld (RBBC), and the Philadelphia Cybersecurity Education Alliance (PCEA). Also on the panel was Drexel's own Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Dr. Pablo Molina.