Professor Laura Hart Presents Model Based Systems Engineering

MBSE presentation on Drexel campus
Professor Hart lecturing on Drexel campus.

On Friday, November 16th, Professor Laura Hart was on campus to discuss Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), which is a critical new approach to the field of systems engineering. Professor Hart, who is also a Systems Engineer with The Mitre Corporation, was joined in the classroom by a number of Drexel Engineering undergraduates whose co-op experiences align with systems engineering.

Model Based Systems Engineering (otherwise known as MBSE) is particularly important for anyone interested in modeling, simulation, or design of systems. This is a relative new area that is rapidly growing in importance, and Professor Hart’s presentation introduced the foundations of MBSE, practical applications, and management challenges.

In addition to the lecture, Professor Hart will be teaching SYSE 640: Model Based Systems Engineering as an elective this winter.

For anyone with an interest in systems engineering who missed the event, you can view a recording of the lecture online.

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