PhD Student, Leena Shevade Receives 2018 Grant A. Harris Fellowship From Meter Group, Inc.

Leena Shevade
Leena Shevade

Congratulations to Leena Shevade, a PhD student in Environmental Engineering, for being awarded $10,000 in METER instrumentation, a Saturo Infiltrometer and ten MiniDisk infiltromenters, for her research project on root zone configuration, ponding, and inflow depths on the infiltration performance of urban green infrastructure.

Leena applied for the Grant A. Harris Fellowship through the METER Group, Inc. in Pullman, Washington, a company that makes scientific instrumentation and software solutions for environmental science, food quality assurance, and geotechnical applications.

The Grant A. Harris Fellowship provides innovation through leadership, and cutting-edge scientific research by recognizing graduate students who are making extraordinary contributions to any aspect of agricultural, environmental, or geotechnical science.

Read the press release on the Grant A. Harris Fellowship awardees.