Tucker Co-Editor on New Book about Computational Approaches Used in Multiscale Modeling of Materials

Multiscale Materials Modeling for Nanomechanics

Assistant professor Garritt J. Tucker is co-editor and chapter author on a new book that provides a practical introduction to multiscale modeling as applied to nanoscale materials mechanics. This book provides an overview of both traditional and emerging computational approaches to multiscale materials modeling for applications involving nanomechanics, and a number of example applications of those emerging methods. Researchers, faculty, and students will equally gain an outstanding breadth of knowledge about materials modeling across different length and time scales and the computational methods used to answer the most prominent questions in understanding and engineering materials properties. As material behavior is inherently multiscale in nature, this book aims to provide those computational approaches tackling some of the most pressing issues in the materials mechanics community. The book also provides a comprehensive list of available software, codes, and algorithms for researchers interested in conducted their own computational research using these modeling methods. Research conducted in Tucker’s Computational Materials Science and Design Group at Drexel is also highlighted in book chapters on “Atomistic Modeling” and “Continuum Analysis of Atomistic Data.”

Multiscale Materials Modeling for Nanomechanics, published in the Springer Series in Materials Science, is co-edited by Tucker and Dr. Christopher Weinberger of Colorado State University. The book both explains modeling and simulation techniques as well as presents case studies on applying multiscale modeling to nanomaterials and nanomechanics.

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