Sergey Smolin and Yuriy Smolin Awarded Koerner Family Fellowship

Sergey and Yuriy Smolin
On the basis of the quality and quantity of their refereed journal publications, Sergey Smolin and Yuriy Smolin were selected to receive a shared Koerner Family Fellowship for the 2015/16 academic year. Sergey is being advised by Dr. Baxter and Yuriy is being advised by Drs. Lau and Soroush.

The Koerner fellowship was established through the generosity of Professor Robert Koerner and his family. The College of Engineering awards five outstanding individuals (one fellowship for each department) to pursue doctoral studies in all areas of engineering. The fellowships specify that award recipients must be studying towards a Ph.D. in engineering and should have a high likelihood of seeking an academic career upon graduation.


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