ECE student wins IEEE conference student competition

Damiano Patron, winner of Rectenna Spinout² at the 2015 IEEE RFID ConferenceIn April, Damiano Patron, doctoral candidate in the ECE Department, won the “Rectenna Spinout” student competition at 9th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID. The competition involved building a energy harvesting system that could receive energy from a wireless transmitter and spin a motor. Damiano’s entry was able to harvest the most energy and spin faster than any of the competing teams. More information about the competition can be found on the conference’s student competition page.

As part of his doctoral studies, Damiano has worked in the Drexel Wireless Systems Laboratory, under the supervision of Dr. Kapil Dandekar. He is set to graduate this Spring Quarter, having recently defended his dissertation, Compact Reconfigurable Antennas for Wireless Systems and Wearable Applications. Upon graduation, Damiano will be accepting a position with WiTricity Corporation, working on wireless energy transfer.

Please join the department in congratulating Damiano on his recent award and wishing him continued success in his future endeavors.

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