Prof. Lau's Group Publishes in ACS Nano

Dr. Kenneth LauProf. Ken Lau together with Dr. Siamak Nejati (now a postdoc at Yale University), Yuriy Smolin (PhD student), and Thomas E. Minford (undergraduate student) have published in the journal ACS Nano for their work on "Enhanced Charge Storage of Ultrathin Polythiophene Films within Porous Nanostructures" (ACS Nano 2014, 8, 5413-5422, see This article describes their work on the synthesis of unsubstituted polythiophene ultrathin films by oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD) that show enhanced charge capacity when confined in porous nanostructures, yielding 50 and 250% increase in specific and volumetric capacitance compared to bare activated carbon in supercapacitor devices.

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