Drexel Engineering Honors Top Senior Design Teams

Drexel Engineering honored the top Senior Design teams with a reception on June 6 in the Bossone atrium showcasing the top projects and a sampling of freshman design projects.  Projects were presented from each department of the College of Engineering and included presentations from the following departments:

Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) : The CBE team presented their project, “Winning Gold.” “Winning Gold” is the research and design of an industrially feasible process for the non-thermal recovery of metals from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), primarily comprised of printed circuit boards (PCBs).

Civil, Archictectural and Environmental Engineering (CAEE): The CAEE team presented their project, “Net Zero Energy Wastewater Treatment Plant.” The project aimed to The to create a net zero energy wastewater treatment plant for the client, Philadelphia Water Department, as part of the city’s steps towards more sustainable integrated urban water systems.

CAEE: The additional CAEE team showcased their project, “Rail to Retail – A Subway Repurposing. “ Through this project, the team renovated and repurposed the Pennsylvania Avenue Subway tunnel, which supports Pennsylvania Avenue in the Fairmount section of Philadelphia,  into a walking strip mall.

CAEE: The third team representing CAEE presented their project, “Renovation and Expansion of Towers Hall Dormitory,” a proposed a complete renovation and expansion of the Towers Hall Dormitory on the corner of 34th and Arch Streets. To fulfill the growing need for student housing, the renovation and expansion will generate roughly 600 additional beds to Drexel’s campus.   

Computer Science: The CS department presented their project, “ Flight – The Drexel Ride.” The CS team is working on ETC Inc.'s The Ride Works, a recently donated and reconditioned 3-DOF motion platform simulator/ride (XSpeed®) for use in classroom projects and research across Drexel University. A major goal of the project was to develop a networked, multiplayer game with the assistance of a team of Digital Media students. Up to five non-riders, using iPads, team up in order to stop the riders from going around the playing field and lighting beacons in a friendly game named fLight. A secondary goal was to derive a framework for future developers use to rapidly create new games for the platform.

Eletrical and Computer Engineering (ECE): The ECE department displayed their project, “Table-Top Nuclear Reactor Simulators (TNRS).” TNRS is a project that involves the design, building and testing of an inexpensive nuclear reactor simulator (behavioral) that allows for a reconfigurable model.

ECE: An additional project showcased by ECE was the “Meowing Rooster Mobile Game,” a game that implements some of the best aspects of  Lemmings while adding in completely new twists of our own for mobile gaming devices, specifically tablets. The game is now fully developed and ready to hit the App store.

Materials Science and Engineering (MSE): MSE presented their project, “Synthesis and Characterization of Mo2GaC, Mo2GaN and Mo2AlC MAX phases. “ Their work shows Mo2CaC MAX phase was synthesized and treated with HF acid to produce Mo2C MXene.

Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (MEM): MEM showcased their project, “Design and Fabrication of an Envirnomental; Chamber for Materials Testing.” A novel environmental chamber has been designed, fabricated, and validated for testing bonded joints for aircraft applications.  

More than 150 teams participated in the Senior Design projects this year with the support of faculty, alumni and partners of industry and governmental institutions.