Dr. Timothy Kurzweg Elected to the IEEE Board of Directors

Timothy KurzwegDr. Timothy Kurzweg, associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), assistant department head for undergraduate affairs and director of the BSE program, has been elected to become a region 2 director-elect for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2013 board of directors. Kurzweg will be directly responsible for region 2, comprised of several states in the Mid-Atlantic, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia and parts of New Jersey and Virginia. There are approximately 32,000 IEEE members in region 2, known as the center of IEEE's interactions with the United States government.

Kurzweg is a long-time volunteer of IEEE and has served on the IEEE educational activities board, the new initiatives committee and the conferences committee. He is also active in the IEEE honor society Eta Kappa Nu. Kurzweg will join Drs. Eli Fromm, Bruce Eisenstein and Moshe Kam as one of only three members of the Drexel University faculty to have served as directors of IEEE. He will be the second region 2 director from Drexel University and secured his election win on his first try.

After two years as director-elect, Kurzweg will become an IEEE director in 2015 and 2016 - member of the IEEE board of directors and delegate to the IEEE assembly. These organizational units govern IEEE, the largest international association of technologists, computer scientists and engineers. The IEEE has 420,000 members, an annual budget of more than 400 million dollarand 1200 staff members. It organizes close to 1200 conferences every year and published 1/3 of the world's literature in its fields of interest (including electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, signal processing, biomedical engineering and telecommunications).

For more information on Kurzweg’s IEEE accomplishments and to view his election statement, please click here. To read more about the IEEE Annual Elections, please visit their official website here.