Drexel Students Dominate Awards at Materials Research Society Meeting

MRS - Grad Student Awards with President Bruce ClemensDrexel was well represented at the 2012 meeting of the Materials Research Society in Boston. Materials Science & Engineering doctoral students Kristy Jost and Riju Singhal presented their work as finalists for the Graduate Student Awards, among just 24 students from 16 universities including MIT, Harvard, and Stanford. Only Cornell had more students than Drexel placed as finalists for these awards, which recognize students of exceptional ability who show promise for significant future achievement in materials research.

Jost presented her work on fabrics capable of capacitive energy storage in “All-textile EDLCs for Applications in Wearable Electronics,” while Singhal discussed carbon nanotube endoscopes for single cell studies in his work titled, “Carbon Nanotube Based Multifunctional Probes for Intracellular Analysis and Microfluidic Separation.” Both Singhal and Jost won silver awards, which include a certificate and $200. Drexel’s Yury Gogotsi, distinguished university and trustee chair professor, is the research advisor for Jost and Singhal. Jost is co-advised by Professor Genevieve Dion from the College of Media Arts & Design.

“It’s wonderful to see our students receiving this much-deserved recognition,” says Gogotsi. “We are delighted to see this acknowledgement of Drexel’s outstanding materials science and engineering programs from MRS. This clearly places Drexel among the leading institutions in the world in the materials field.”

Separate from her silver award, Jost was also presented with the newly endowed Arthur Nowick Graduate Student Award for showing particular promise as a future teacher and mentor. The award honors the late Dr. Nowick, a materials scientist who made pioneering contributions to the field during a research career at IBM and teaching career at Columbia University, for his commitment to teaching and mentoring students in materials science. For winning the award, Jost received $500 and a presentation plaque.

Jost was not the only dual award-winner from Drexel: in the poster competition, Singhal and fellow Electrical and Computer Engineering doctoral student Yang Gao won the Best Poster Award for their poster, “Carbon Based Multifunctional Nano-probes for Cellular Injection and Electrophysiology,” with Prof. Zulfiya Orynbaeva, Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Gary Friedman and Adam Fontecchio, Gao's research advisor. This is the most prestigious poster award in the materials field, and also features a $500 prize.

To learn more about the MRS Fall Meeting, please visit the society’s official website here.

Jost’s presentation: All-textile EDLCs for Applications in Wearable Electronics. Kristy Jost, Daniel Stenger, John K. McDonough, Carlos R. Perez, Prof. Genevieve Dion1, Prof. Yury Gogotsi.

Singhal’s presentation: Carbon Nanotube Based Multifunctional Probes for Intracellular Analysis and Microfluidic Separation. Riju  Singhal, Zulfiya Orynbayeva, Vadym  Mochalin, Gary  Friedman, Yury Gogotsi.

Gao's presentation: Carbon Based Multifuntional Nanoprobes for Cellular Injection, Potential Measurement, and Electrophysiology. Prof. Zulfiya Orynbaeva, Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Gary Friedman, Adam Fontecchio.

  MRS Best Poster Award