Drexel ECE Students win 2012 IEEE PES Scholarship Awards

15 undergraduate students from the Electrical and Computer Engineering department (ECE) have been selected to receive 1 and 2-year scholarships as part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Power & Energy Society (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative™. The PES Scholarship Plus Initiative™ provides scholarships and real world experience to undergraduates who are interested in power and energy engineering careers. PES Scholarship recipients were selected from 109 U.S. universities for the 2012-2013 academic year and Drexel University’s ECE department had the largest number of scholarship winners. The students were selected by industry and academic representatives based on: academic preparation; extra-curricular activities and leadership; interest in engineering in general and power and energy engineering, as well as overall assessment of a student's potential for a successful power and energy engineering career. The scholarship recipients include:

Michael Black, Senior
Robert Carroll, Senior
Nicholas Coleman, Senior (Also received Estey Outstanding Scholar Award)
Eric Dyke, Senior
Armando Elliott, Junior
Reid Flasinski, Pre-Junior
Charles Hicks, Senior
Kacey Hoang, Senior
Jamie Howard, Pre-Junior
Khaula Rashid, Pre-Junior
Kurt Russell, Junior
David Ventura, Senior
Bryce Walburn, Pre-Junior
Katherine Walker, Pre-Junior
Gregory Yeutter, Pre-Junior

The PES provides the world's largest forum for sharing the latest in technological developments in the electric power industry, for developing standards that guide the development and construction of equipment and systems and for educating members of the industry and the general public. The mission of PES is to be the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society and the preferred professional development source for our members. For more information about this program visit the official IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative™ website here.