Graduates from the Chemical Engineering Class of 1952 attended Drexel's Alumni Weekend to celebrate their 60th reunion. They attended various alumni weekend activities, did a walking tour, and then met with various members of the Chemical Engineering department.

Here is what 1952 graduate Gordon Cochrane had to say about his visit:

"There were 36 graduates in our Chemical Engineering class of 1952. Especially in our junior and senior years we became a very close-knit group since we spent many hours together in our classes, labs, and free time. Over the years a number of us have kept in touch with each other. It was Walt Earley's idea to try to get as many of our classmates to attend the 50th reunion. He made most of the arrangements for that event and it turned out so well that we said we will have to do it again at our 60th.

As unusual as it may seem, three from our class live at Garden Spot Village, a retirement community in New Holland, PA. About a year ago I organized a luncheon at Garden Spot Village and we had a good turnout. Walt Earley told us about a meeting he attended at which someone from Drexel talked about the 60th reunion. We all agreed that we should try to get a group together to attend. So about February 2012 I called Walt to see he had done anything about making plans for the reunion. He took the lead in getting the list of names and addresses of our classmates and I took care of contacting Drexel. When I first called the Alumni office, Cindy Leesman answered the phone and the rest is history."

class of 1952 

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