Alicia Kriete Receives CPMT/Axel Madsen Award

Axel Madsen Award winner Alicia Kriete (second from left) at the PowderMet 2012 conference in June 2012 with (from left) Department Head and Professor Antonios Zavaliangos, Professor Emeritus Alan Lawley, Nancy Lawley, B.S./M.S. student Ian McDonald, and Hoeganaes Assistant Professor Mitra TaheriAxel Madsen Award winner Alicia Kriete (second from left) at the PowderMet 2012 conference in June 2012 with (from left) Department Head and Professor Antonios Zavaliangos, Professor Emeritus Alan Lawley, Nancy Lawley, B.S./M.S. student Ian McDonald, and Hoeganaes Assistant Professor Mitra Taheri

B.S. student Alicia Kriete (advisor:  Mitra Taheri) is one of five recipients of the Center for Powder Metallurgy Technology (CPMT)/Axel Madsen Award.

The $1,500 award is used to help support the costs of attending the 2012 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials (PowderMet2012) to be held June 10-13 in Nashville, including travel, conference registration, sessions, meal events, exhibit, and proceedings.  Alicia will be honored with the award at the Industry Recognition Luncheon on Monday, June 11.

As a recipient of the award, Alicia will prepare a technical poster to be presented at the conference.  In addition, she will prepare a detailed report about the conference to be published in the International Journal of Powder Metallurgy.

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