Dr. Chika Nwankpa Elected as 2013 IEEE Fellow

Dr. Chika Nwankpa, professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), has been elected to become a 2013 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellow "for contributions to real time computation in power systems analysis."

Nwankpa has served as the Committee Chair on the IEEE CAS Power and Energy Circuits and Systems Technical Committee and as an Associate Editor for multiple committee projects. Nwankpa joined Drexel University in 1990 and his research interests are in power systems and power electronics, focusing on the application of stochastic methods in power systems planning and operation.

“It’s always nice to hear something good said about the work we do in the Center for Electric Power Engineering (CEPE). Having an international organization such as the IEEE recognize this is just icing on the cake,” said Nwankpa. “Even though the citation focused on our contribution to real-time computation in power system analysis it should be noted that the work of the center concentrates on technology development with the vision of fostering ‘a society that reaps the benefits of infrastructure characterized by lower energy costs with increased security through sustainable and secure multiple energy-type delivery systems.’”

Nwankpa joins the following members of the current Drexel Faculty and emeritus Faculty who are IEEE Fellows: Afshin Daryoush, Bruce Eisenstein, Robert Fischl, Eli Fromm, Peter Herczfeld, Dov Jaron, Moshe Kam, Harry Kwatny, Peter Lewin, Vernon Newhouse, Banu Onaral, John Reid, Arye Rosen, and Hun Sun.   The most recent elevation of a member of the Drexel faculty to Fellow before Nwankpa was in 2008. 

The Fellow grade is a distinction reserved for individuals who have exhibited extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. In any given year the IEEE promotes to the Fellow grade no more than 0.1% of its voting members and at present there are about 6,700 Fellows of IEEE, about 1.6% of the organization's 416,000 members. The promotion process requires a nomination and involves a rigorous review process by peers and experts in the nominee's filed of interest.

To view the list of 2013 IEEE Newly Elevated Fellows, please click here. To read more about the IEEE Annual Elections, please visit their official website here