Dr. Abrams Co-Organizes PASI Workshop in Uruguay

Chemical and Biological Engineering Professor Cameron Abrams is co-organizing an NSF-funded Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) workshop on Molecular-based Multiscale Modeling and Simulations, hosted by the Institute Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay. This two-week workshop brings together 14 faculty-level instructors from around the world to deliver lectures and hands-on workshops to 30 PhD students from North and South America. The workshop takes place between September 2 and September 15, 2012. The organizing committee is made up of lead organizer Jim Pfaendtner of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Washington, Abrams, and Sergio Pantano of Institute Pasteur. More information on the workshop is available here.

Below, from left: Michelle Baker (CBE PhD Candidate), Dr. Michele Parrinello (Keynote Speaker), Dr. Cameron Abrams (CBE Professor)

Dr. Abrams Co-Organizes PASI Workshop in Uruguay 

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