CoAS Faculty Recognized for Outstanding Teaching, Scholarship and Research



May 16, 2023

The Office of Research & Innovation and the Office of Faculty Advancement recently announced the recipients of the 2022-2023 Research, Scholarship and Creativity Awards and the Provost Awards for Teaching, Scholarship and Professional Service. Congratulations to the College of Arts and Sciences faculty who were honored with these awards!  

Provost Award for Pedagogical Innovation

The Provost Award for Pedagogical Innovation is presented to a full-time faculty member at Drexel University who has implemented outstanding innovations in teaching and learning.

Amanda McMillan Lequieu, PhD, Assistant Professor, Sociology 

Provost Award for Undergraduate Teaching Impact 

This award recognizes full-time faculty at Drexel who have made a distinctive impact through excellence in teaching primarily at the first- or second-year undergraduate level.

Lisa DiMaio, EdD, Teaching Professor, English & Philosophy 

Dimitrios Papadopoulos, EdD, Teaching Professor, Mathematics

Adjunct Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence   

The Adjunct Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence is awarded to an adjunct faculty member that exemplifies the high quality of teaching and mentorship of students.

Elizabeth Kaminsky, Adjunct Professor, Communication

Allen Rothwarf Award for Teaching Excellence

The Allen Rothwarf Award for Teaching Excellence is given to a tenure-track junior faculty member with at least two years of service at Drexel who exemplifies and coordinates high standards of teaching while developing research in their areas of expertise.

Shannon Jacobsen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Criminology & Justice Studies 

Barbara G. Hornum Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence

The Barbara G. Hornum Award for Teaching Excellence is awarded to a teaching faculty member that exemplifies the highest quality of teaching and pedagogical innovation and rigor.

Stacey Ake, PhD, Teaching Professor, English & Philosophy 

Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching

The Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching is funded by the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation. This is the most prestigious award given to full-time faculty members who over the years have demonstrated the highest achievements in teaching.

Jennifer Stanford, PhD, Associate Professor, Biology 

Freddie Reisman Faculty Scholarly & Creative Activity Awards

These awards support scholarly and creative activities of faculty in fields and on projects where limited external funding is available.

Karen Nulton, PhD, Teaching Professor, English & Philosophy 

Chloe Silverman, PhD, Associate Professor, Politics

Outstanding Professional Advisor Award

The Outstanding Professional Advisor award recognizes the extraordinary contributions of advisors who guide student progress through their academic paths across the University. This annual award is awarded to a Drexel University professional staff member whose primary role is to serve as an academic advisor.

Devon Thomas, Associate Director of Strategic Operations, Advising & Student Success

Scholarly Materials & Research Equipment Awards for Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty

These awards, open to all tenured and tenure-track faculty members, are for the acquisition of materials, equipment, software, systems, library collections or other non-personnel items that will enhance the research enterprise.

Aaron Kucyi, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences 

Evangelia Chrysikou, PhD, Associate Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences

Summer Research Awards for Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty

This award provides tenured and tenure-track faculty members with the opportunity to pursue research activities that will enhance recipient careers as well as increase their contributions to Drexel.

Karl Sohlberg, PhD, Associate Professor, Chemistry