
  • Elizabeth Burke Watson in the foreground with students standing in the background at Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

    Facing Climate Change: Meet Associate Professor Elizabeth Burke Watson, PhD

    October 29, 2021

    Although Elizabeth Burke Watson, PhD, has been studying climate change impacts for the past 20 years, she had a transformative experience when it touched her family. While she felt called to do something more to address climate change, she also felt that she needed to use her individual choices to do something beyond reducing her family’s carbon footprint. Watson has decided to focus on her abilities as a teacher and mentor to make a difference in the fight for climate justice.

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  • Headshot of Keisha April on blue and gold Drexel background

    Keisha April MS ’18, PhD ’20 Works to Change Policies, Practices in Criminal Justice

    October 27, 2021

    Keisha April, PhD, a recent graduate of Drexel’s Clinical Psychology PhD program, won the Art Nezu Dissertation Diversity Award for her dissertation “Let’s ‘talk’ about the police: The role of race and the intergenerational transmission of police legitimacy attitudes in the legal socialization of youth.” This prestigious award recognizes an individual whose doctoral dissertation makes an outstanding contribution to the field of professional psychology and diversity and/or multiculturalism.

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  • Calvin Keeys in nature

    BEES Major Calvin Keeys Awarded Scholarship for Black and Latinx Birders

    October 21, 2021

    First-year environmental science student Calvin Keeys was recently named a recipient of the Black and Latinx Birders Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded by Amplify the Future, an organization whose mission is to amplify opportunities for equity in conservation.

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  • Madison Betts

    Writing Her Own Journey: Meet English Major Madison Betts

    October 20, 2021

    Drexel’s 10-week term format allowed Madison Betts to discover her true passion of writing. On the five-year, three co-op plan, Betts is gaining experience in publishing while looking forward to graduate school and one day publishing her own book.

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  • Termite Brains Can Grow in Anticipation of a Single Moment of Flight and Light

    October 20, 2021

    New research on dampwood termites shows select members of the colony will experience brain changes in anticipation of cognitive demand. Drexel researchers measured developmental differences in the relative sizes of visual processing brain regions, called optic lobes, among dampwood termite castes to test whether optic lobe investment matches caste differences in exposure to visually complex environments.

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  • Avery Maudlin

    From Co-op to Law School, Avery Maudlin Credits Philosophy Major for Defining his Path

    October 19, 2021

    Avery completed three co-ops and is currently a fellow at the Kline & Specter law firm, where he is currently working on a mass tort class action case, serving as a liaison between incoming clients and attorneys. He views the skills learned in his philosophy classes—the ability to intake information and make your own knowledge—as extremely important in the legal field.

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  • Alina Palimaru sits at a desk in front of a computer

    History Alum Alina Palimaru ’08
    Works to De-Radicalize Violent Extremists

    October 18, 2021

    With extremism on the rise, Drexel history alumna Alina Palimaru ’08 has turned her work to addressing it. The associate research analyst at the RAND Corporation will deliver a virtual talk on the topic on Thursday, November 18. Here she discusses the importance of studying history, her current work, truth decay and her least favorite memory of Drexel, among other things.

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  • Photo of Manuel Alejandro Seman Senderos on a blue and gold Drexel background

    Meet Assistant Teaching Professor of Biology Manuel Alejandro Semán Senderos, PhD

    October 14, 2021

    Manuel Alejandro Semán Senderos, PhD, is an assistant teaching professor in the Department of Biology. He previously earned his PhD at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine under the mentorship of Dr. Hal Dietz studying fibrotic diseases. His research focus was cell biology processes gone awry in disease and the use of genetic tools in order to find and validate new therapeutic targets.

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  • Faculty Highlights: Recent Grants and Awards

    October 13, 2021

    Last term, Drexel faculty were recognized for their research and achievements, like Alexis Roth, PhD, associate professor in the Dornsife School of Public Health, who received a NIH R01 grant for $4.9 million to assess HIV prevention interventions over the next five years.

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  • three recent issues of The 33rd, a print anthology

    Drexel Publishing Group Gives Undergraduate Students Real-World Publishing Experience

    October 12, 2021

    The course WRIT 405 – Internship in Publishing gives students practical experience in the publishing world through a variety of projects run by the Drexel Publishing Group (DPG). Students write and edit book reviews and articles for DPG’s online publicationWrite Now Philly and learn about production and design while applying styles, formatting and copyediting books that DPG publishes.

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  • Photo of Brad Nabors on a blue and gold Drexel background

    Meet Assistant Teaching Professor of Sociology Brad Nabors, PhD

    October 07, 2021

    Brad Nabors, PhD, is an assistant teaching professor in the Department of Sociology. He earned his PhD at the University of Southern California, where his dissertation focused on organized nonbelief and the normative boundaries of religious pluralism. Since 2015 he has taught a range of courses at Drexel, including Sociology of Health and Illness, Sociology of Deviance, Contemporary Sociological Theory and Introduction to Sociology.

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  • Blue Drexel dragon logo

    CoAS Accomplishments in Brief

    October 07, 2021

    We are pleased to recognize the recent grants, publications, presentations, awards and honors of the members of the College of Arts and Sciences.

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  • two rows of books on a bookshelf

    CoAS Relaunches Center for Interdisciplinary Studies

    October 05, 2021

    Seeking to fulfill its commitment to a justice-oriented curriculum for all of Drexel University, the College of Arts and Sciences relaunched its Center for Interdisciplinary Studies to support collaboration across three key interdisciplinary programs. With new directors in place, the College’s programs in Africana Studies, Jewish Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies will work across disciplines and areas of inquiry to foster greater inclusion and understanding across the University.

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  • Omesh Dhar Dwivedi

    Research Co-op Leads to Innovative Breakthrough for Math and Physics Major Omesh Dhar Dwivedi

    October 04, 2021

    Drexel undergraduate Omesh Dhar Dwivedi was part of a team of researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory who have proposed a step-by-step chemical pathway to creating boron nitride nanotubes. The math and physics major from Lucknow, India, discusses the work he did during his co-op.

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