CoAS Accomplishments in Brief


July 23, 2019


Zoe Zhang, PhD, assistant professor of psychology, has been elected president of the American Statistical Association’s Philadelphia chapter.

Awards and Honors

Drexel’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) was awarded the 2019 Public Relations Society of America Star Chapter Award. The award is the “gold standard for chapters looking to achieve excellence in programming, member recruitment and community outreach.”

Paakhi Srivastava, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in Drexel’s WELL Center, was awarded the WELL Center’s Exceptional Student Research Award.

Conferences and Media

Britt Evans, doctoral candidate in clinical psychology, was featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer story “Drexel Study Uses Video Conferencing at Dinnertime to Help Parents Get Their Kids to Eat Healthier” for her work on Project PICNIC, a research study housed in Drexel’s WELL Center.

Evan Forman, PhD, professor of psychology, gave an invited address titled “Promising Behavioral and Technological Innovations in the Treatment of Obesity” at the annual conference of the American Society of Nutrition.

Karen Nulton, PhD, teaching professor of English, was quoted in a Philadelphia Inquirer story, “Atomic Veterans Share Their Stories with Drexel Students and Find Healing in the Process” about her Community-Based Learning course Publishing Vets’ Memoirs.

Jonathan Seitz, PhD, teaching professor of history, was interviewed on WHYY’s radio show The Pulse in an episode titled “The Other Side of the Moon.”


David Ambrose, PhD, professor of mathematics, was awarded a $317K grant from the National Science Foundation for his project “Partial Differential Equation Methods for Mean Field Games.”

Jonah Blasiak, PhD, assistant professor of mathematics, was awarded a $180K grant from the National Science Foundation for his project “Collaborative Research: Catalan Function and Schubert Calculus.”

Thomas Pok-Yin Yu, PhD, professor of mathematics, was awarded a $300K grant from the National Science Foundation for his project “Geometric Approximation and Variational Problems.”


Alice Thornewill, JD/PhD candidate in clinical psychology, along with her co-mentors David DeMatteo, JD, PhD, associate professor of psychology, and Kirk Heilbrun, PhD, professor of psychology, had their manuscript, “In the Immediate Wake of Hoffman’s Independent Review: Psychologist and General Public Perceptions,” accepted for publication in American Psychologist, the flagship journal of the American Psychological Association.