7 Very Subtle Ways to Show Your Drexel Pride

March 09, 2018

It's hard to contain the excitement over Homecoming! Photo by Derik Hamilton.

Having school pride is hard when you’re trying to keep it together in a fast-paced quarter system. If only someone could come up with a few clever ways to show your Drexel pride without standing out too much. Well, your prayers have been answered. Here are seven pretty subtle ways to show the world how much you love Drexel University without going too crazy.

1. Wear a dragon costume on the first day of the term

There’s nothing more embarrassing than showing up to your first day of classes at Drexel not wearing your dragon costume. Everyone knows that if you go to Drexel, you own your own dragon costume. Wear it to classes to score some extra marks from your professor.

2. Know where free food is being given away on campus

Food is objectively the reason why anyone gets out of bed in the morning. Don’t be one of those losers who pays for their own food. Attend a club meeting or two and stick around until they pass out pizza. Who knows? You might even pick up a new interest while you’re at it.

3. Spend your restaurant week at the Hans

It’s not fair that only the freshmen get to eat at the Hans! Surely, the upperclassmen want to join in on the fun. Spend your restaurant week at the Hans to show everyone how much you love Drexel.

4. Caption all your pictures with #Dragon

Let everyone know how often you think about Drexel by captioning all your pictures on every social media forum with #Dragon. It’s a foolproof way to show people your Drexel pride without being too over the top about it. In fact, you might as well follow Drexel University on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram while you’re at it.

5. Show your support for our football team!

Would you believe it if we told you they’ve never lost a game since 1973? Well you better! Because they haven’t! They’re undefeated every year! Check out the Drexel Football team’s page!

6. Assert your dominance over fellow students by decking out in Drexel gear

If you’re subtle about it, you can wear Drexel gear and totally blend in. But you have to play it cool and pretend you just threw on those Drexel sweatpants this morning. Bonus points if you do it on Wednesdays and stop by a Wear It Wednesday prize table. #WearItWednesday

7. Take a deep breath every time you pass by the biowall in PISB

Drexel is the first and only university to install a five story air-filter (but we like to call it a biowall). Make our school proud by making good use of it. Whenever you feel stressed, take a deep breath of clean air from the biowall in PISB. Remember: dragons need to breathe in to breathe out!


By Sravya Koduri, a senior biological sciences major in the College of Arts and Sciences and a Pennoni Honors College student, as part of the winter 2018 "Writing for Drexel Publication" Pennoni Honors College course.