Math Professor Receives Midcareer Award for Research in Nonlinear Waves

David Ambrose, PhD receives T. Brooke Benjamin Prize in Nonlinear Waves


June 28, 2018

David Ambrose, PhD, associate department head and professor of mathematics at Drexel University, is the recipient of the second biennial T. Brooke Benjamin Prize in Nonlinear Waves. The SIAM Activity Group on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures awards the prize every two years to an outstanding midcareer researcher in the area of nonlinear waves.

Ambrose has made seminal contributions to several key topics within fluid mechanics and nonlinear waves. His research centers on the analysis of nonlinear systems of partial differential equations, especially free-surface problems in fluid dynamics. He has received over $1 million of funding from the National Science Foundation as Principal Investigator to support this work. To have been considered for the T. Brooke Benjamin Prize, he must have published at least one high-impact, peer-reviewed publication within the past four years.

Ambrose joined Drexel’s Department of Mathematics as an assistant professor in 2008, having received his PhD from Duke University in 2002. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and has served as a referee for over 40 journals. In addition to external awards, Ambrose has received the Drexel University Award for Pedagogy and Assessment and the Antelo Devereux Award for Young Faculty.

The T. Brooke Benjamin Prize in Nonlinear Waves was established in 2015 in honor of T. Brooke Benjamin, a mathematician and the former Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Oxford. It was presented for the first time in 2016.