Student Spotlight: Christopher Bonnaig, BA Sociology ‘15


January 16, 2018

Christopher Bonnaig

Christopher Bonnaig graduated from Drexel University in 2015, with a major in Sociology and a minor in Communication, Magna Cum Laude.  He is currently in law school at the Georgetown University Law Center.  During his time at Drexel, Christopher participated in a co-op at the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General in the Bureau of Consumer Protection.  He describes his co-op experience as the “perfect marriage of my academic interest in Sociology and professional interest in a legal career”, and lauds his supervisors as “incredibly helpful mentors”, who he still keeps in touch with today.

Christopher had several research experiences while earning his Sociology degree.  First, he wrote a senior thesis titled, “Understanding Development and Poverty in Haiti” and credits his faculty mentor, Dianne Sicotte, PhD, in the Department of Sociology, for his success as a burgeoning scholar.  Second, with the guidance from Anthony Glasscock, PhD, in the Department of Anthropology, Christopher was able to give a presentation about his study of a boys and girls basketball clinic in North Philadelphia at the College of Arts and Sciences Research Day.  Christopher would go on to win two awards while attending Drexel; the first being Senior Second Honors and the second being the Arthur B. Shostak Award for creativity in Sociological coursework.

Christopher states that living in Philadelphia, while studying Sociology, provided him with the unique opportunity to observe first-hand the social phenomena he studied in the classroom.  He feels, for a field like Sociology, living in the city can greatly enhance the learning experience.  Indeed, the Sociology program at Drexel gave Christopher the opportunity to grow as a student and a human being.  He had a college experience filled with faculty who cared deeply about the subject matter and were enthusiastic about helping him develop as a critical thinker.

As for the future, after law school his plans include working at a law firm, and soon after clerking for a judge.