Recognizing Excellence in Research, Scholarship, Creativity, Teaching and Professional Service

July 08, 2021

As a means of supporting the ongoing development of Drexel University’s research, scholarship and creative activities, as well as recognizing excellence in teaching and professional service, the Office of Research & Innovation and the Office of Faculty Advancement and Undergraduate Affairs are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020-21 Research, Scholarship and Creativity Awards and the 2020-21 Provost Awards for Teaching, Scholarship and Professional Service.

Congratulations to the following College of Arts and Sciences faculty for their recognition.

Provost Awards for Outstanding Scholarly Productivity

Early Career:

Ryan Petrie, PhD, assistant professor of biology


Meghan Butryn, PhD, associate department head and associate professor of psychology
Naoko Kurahashi Neilson, PhD, associate professor of physics

Allen Rothwarf Award for Teaching Excellence

Kelly Underman, PhD, assistant professor of sociology

Barbara G. Hornum Award for Teaching Excellence

Monica Ilies, PhD, associate teaching professor of chemistry

Evidence-Based Teaching Award in Undergraduate STEM

Rachael Kratzer, PhD, assistant teaching professor of physics

Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching

David DeMatteo, PhD, director of JD/PhD program and professor of law and psychology

Dr. Mark L. Greenberg Distinguished Faculty Award for Community-Based Learning

Elizabeth Kimball, PhD, assistant professor of English and philosophy

Donna M. Murasko Distinguished Faculty Award for Innovation in Civic Engagement

Steve Dolph, PhD, assistant teaching professor of global studies and modern languages

Bridge Funding Support for Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty

Evangelia Chrysikou, PhD, associate dean for research and associate professor of psychology
Jennifer Stanford, PhD, associate professor of biology

Scholarly Materials and Research Equipment Awards for Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty

John Bethea, PhD, professor of biology

Summer Research Awards for Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty

Rebecca Clothey, PhD, associate head of global studies and modern languages
Hildegarde Van den Bulck, PhD, department head and professor of communication