
  • Ellen Wildner, Drexel Biology Alumni

    Geek of the Week: Ellen Wildner, Biological Sciences '15

    October 24, 2017

    Ellen Wildner is a trained biologist and anthropologist. She currently studies snails at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, but like most scientists is curious about everything and how it all connects.

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  • California Wild Fire

    What Goes Into a Controlled Burn?

    October 19, 2017

    The fires now ravaging North California have been particularly bad this year because years of drought have left the area much like a tinderbox. One way to combat this build-up of “fuel load” is a controlled burn.

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  • Marie Kurz, PhD, Academy environmental geochemist and assistant research professor in Drexel University’s Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science

    Day in the Life of a Creek

    October 12, 2017

    If you happened to be hiking, biking or boating in the Wissahickon Creek area recently or watched the local news you may have thought you were imaging things. It wasn’t St. Patrick’s Day, but the creek was green!

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