History Professor Tiago Saraiva Wins Pfizer Prize

November 28, 2017

Fascist Pigs cover

Tiago Saraiva, PhD, was awarded the Pfizer Prize for best scholarly book, "Fascist Pigs: Technoscientific Organisms and the History of Fascism" (MIT Press, October 2016) at the 2017 History of Science Society (HSS) annual meeting. Tiago Saraiva is associate professor in the Department of History and a co-editor-in-chief of the journal History + Technology.

Saraiva's colleague and co-editor, Amy Slaton, PhD, professor of history, says of his prize-winning book: “To me 'Fascist Pigs' represents a remarkable crossover between the history of technology and the history of science, along with a significant engagement with the approaches of science and technology studies. I think for the History of Science Society to give this book its highest literary award speaks to Tiago’s rare ability to dismantle very stubborn disciplinary boundaries and bring us profound new historical understandings in the process.”

Established in 1959 and sponsored by the History of Science Society, the Pfizer Prize is awarded in recognition of an outstanding book dealing with the history of science, and the prize committee may consider books where medicine or technology is a central theme. The History of Science Society is the world’s largest society dedicated to understanding science, technology, medicine, and their interactions with society in historical context. Over 3,000 individual and institutional members across the world support the Society’s mission to foster interest in the history of science and its social and cultural relations.