Panel to Discuss Major Issues of 2012 Presidential Election at Drexel

October 11, 2012

Issues at Stake: Election Panel at Drexel
The “Election 2012: Issues at Stake” panel discussion at Drexel will help students and community members better understand some of leading issues in the 2012 campaign

Which issues will most influence voters’ decision for a presidential candidate? Which issues are of most concern to Philadelphians? With the presidential election quickly approaching, Drexel University will host “Election 2012: Issues at Stake,” a panel discussion to help students and community members better understand some of leading issues in the 2012 campaign. The discussion also will include a question-and-answer session with the audience.

The event will take place Monday, October 15 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. in the Bossone Research Center's Mitchell Auditorium (3141 Market Street). It is FREE and open to the public.

Panelists include:

  • Carol Aichele, Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth
  • Dr. Scott Barclay, professor and director of the history and politics program
  • Dr. Rose Corrigan, assistant professor of law and politics and director of the women’s studies program
  • Dr. Bill Rosenberg, professor of history and politics and director of the Drexel University Survey Research Center

The panel discussion is co-sponsored by the History and Politics Department in Drexel’s College of Arts and Sciences, the Center for Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Drexel Votes, a collaborative effort of Drexel students, staff and faculty to educate the Drexel community about the critical issues in the upcoming election.  
