Drexel Political Experts on the Presidential Election

January 06, 2012

As the 2012 presidential race heats up, Drexel University experts are available to help news media with the following topics:

Presidential election process, public opinion, the media and campaigns: Dr. William Rosenberg, a professor of political science, is the author of over 80 articles, papers and technical reports on these topics. He is a co-author of two books related to public opinion and public policy, News Verdicts, the Debates and Presidential Campaigns and The Politics of Disenchantment: Bush, Clinton, Perot and the Press.

Public and economic policy, and urban politics: Dr. Richardson Dilworth, an associate professor of history and politics and the grandson of former Philadelphia mayor Richardson Dilworth, has authored various publications on urban planning and “quality of life” issues. He is the director of Drexel's Center for Public Policy.

College students and the voting process: Dr. Scott Knowles, an associate professor of history and politics, is involved in overseeing these initiatives at Drexel to create awareness of the importance of voting. He has organized lectures and students discussions on the debates with guest speakers and watch parties.

Social networking’s role in party organization: Dr. Sean Goggins, director of Drexel’s Group Informatics Lab, has examined how current social networking trends could affect party loyalty and how parties will wield these tools to unite behind their candidates. Goggins focuses his research on the uptake and use of information and communication technologies by small groups.

Psychology of picking a president: Dr. Chuck Williams, an educational psychologist and an assistant clinical professor in Drexel’s School of Education, is available to comment on a variety of factors that may influence voters’ decision-making with regard to picking a president, including gender, looks and age.

Jobs and the economy: Dr. Paul Harrington, director of Drexel’s Center for Labor Markets and Policy, can discuss where the candidates stand on the issue of jobs and the economy, which many voters have put at the top of their checklist of presidential issues as more than 13 million Americans are currently out of work.

Healthcare: Dr. Robert Field, a professor in the School of Public Health and the Earle Mack School of Law, is a nationally known expert on health law and public health whose research focuses on ethical issues in managed care, public policy and legal facets of health care reform and genetic screening. He is the author of Health Care Regulation in America: Complexity, Confrontation and Compromise, a comprehensive guide to the government's role in regulating health care in the United States.

Campaign Imagery: Sandy Stewart, associate dean of the Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, can comment on presidential campaign imagery and political art, and how they influence public perception of a candidate. Stewart joined Drexel’s faculty after 15 years in the promotion department of TV Guide magazine. She has freelanced for clients that include Fortune 500 companies and national magazines.
