Dr. Fontecchio Co-PI on Vining Grant
April 3, 2019
Dr. Adam Fontecchio, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Director of the Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE), has been named a co-principal investigator on a $275K grant from The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations to support, “Research on Experiential STEM Curricula for Authentic Learning Experiences (RESCALE)."
The award is a Drexel University presidential priority and, as such, Fontecchio worked with co-PI Dr. Jennifer Stanford, an associate professor in the Biology Department and Co-Director of CASTLE, and Drexel University President John Fry in pursuit of the grant.
The Vining Foundation, established in 1952, seeks to strengthen American intellectual capital through support of scientific, literary, and educational enterprises. Since its creation, the Foundation has provided more than $300M in grants to institutions of higher education, hospitals, medical schools, and divinity schools.