

  • April

    • Dr. Fontecchio Co-PI on Vining Grant

      April 03, 2019

      Dr. Adam Fontecchio, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Director of the Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE), has been named a co-principal investigator on a $275K grant from The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations to support, “Research on Experiential STEM Curricula for Authentic Learning Experiences (RESCALE)."

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  • March

    • DARE to Grow: CASTLE’s Expansion of the Experiential Learning through the Cooperative Education Lifecycle (ExCEL) DARE Project

      March 19, 2019

      In 2016, the Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE) was awarded funding through the Office of the Provost’s DARE initiative to study experiential learning opportunities such as cooperative education, undergraduate research, and study abroad. The Experiential Learning through the Cooperative Education Lifecycle project brought people together from six colleges and three additional academic units at Drexel to engage in the systematic collection of data towards answering research questions about experiential learning. CASTLE has leveraged this work to attain additional funding from the Colonial Academic Alliance and The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations.

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